Home Garden

How Do 1.5 Volt Solar Garden Lights Work?

A 1.5 volt solar powered garden light can bring light to almost any outdoor area without using electricity. Understanding the basics of the design can help with troubleshooting should your light stop operating.
  1. Diodes and Batteries

    • AA batteries power the diode on a solar light.

      A diode is a mechanism that is fitted to a AA NiCad battery to keep the current from bouncing back through the solar cell during the night. Usually made from silicon or germanium, the germanium diode has a lower forward voltage than one made of silicon.

    LEDs as a Light Source

    • A LED looks nothing like a light bulb.

      A Light Emitting Diode, or LED, is commonly used as a source of light in solar garden lights because they work simply by forcing electrons across a small opening of two types of silicon. This eliminates the need for light bulbs that require electricity made through a DC transmitter.

    Controller Board and Photo Resistor

    • A controller board speaks to the photo resistor.

      The controller board has a three-transistor unit that switches on the light from the LED when a photo resistor tells it that darkness is coming. This circuit design was designed by Nick Baroni of Willetton, Washington and introduced the world to the advantage of automatic light through solar power.