Home Garden

Southern Landscape Garden & Gifts

Choose the ideal gift for the Southern gardener in your life. There are so many ideas for you to choose from for one-of-a-kind and unusual gifts. Some gifts will add to the charm of the Southern landscape while others allow the receiver to better enjoy her garden. Buy a gift that is just right for your Southern gardener friend.
  1. Weather Vane

    • Buy a weather vane for your gardening friend or family member since this is not something that everyone has. Weather vanes have been common in the South for years. George Washington commissioned a dove of peace weather vane for his Mount Vernon home to commemorate the end of the Revolutionary War. Thomas Jefferson attached his Monticello weather vane to a pointer in the ceiling of the room below it so that he could see the direction of the wind, even while in the house.

      Choose from a variety of styles including freestanding weather vanes or vanes that attach to a barn or the house. Keep your gardener's taste and style in mind when selecting a design, such as the traditional rooster or another bird. Choose the metal that you want the weather vane made of; most are made of aluminum or copper.


    • Create an elegant look for any garden by adding different types of statuary, which are perfect for Southern landscapes and gardens because they do not suffer the extreme weather changes that cause statues to crack. Buy a full-sized statue or just a bust that that your gardener can place on a pedestal somewhere in the garden. Purchase a statue made from molded cement, different types of metal, porcelain or clay. Give the gift of several small statues that the receiver can place around the garden underneath some plants so they are peeking out to surprise those who come to visit the garden. Find all different sorts of statues from birdbaths, adults, children, watering cans or even animals. Buy pillars in all sizes to place around the garden as decoration or to allow vines to climb.


    • Help your friend weather hot, Southern summer afternoons with a hammock. Choose one that hangs between trees or one that is freestanding, depending on the particular garden Make sure to include hardware for hammocks that need hanging on trees. Include a can of waterproofing so that the gardener can protect the hammock from the weather.


    • Purchase a lighting kit for the Southern gardener who enjoys giving evening garden parties. The summer weather can make it hard to enjoy the garden during the day, but the night's cool breezes make it temperate enough for a gathering. Choose lights that work from electricity or those that store up solar power. Offer to install the lights as part of the gift if this is something you already know how to do. Use the lights to make a path through the landscaping or to highlight different items in the landscaping or garden. Buy high-quality lighting that your gardener can enjoy for a long time.