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How to Break Bottles for Making Glass Mulch

Using mulch in and around your garden and landscaping can help maintain moisture in the soil and also prevent erosion. Glass mulch, an alternative to typical mulching products, is a creative and colorful option to heighten the appearance of your landscaping. This unusual variety of mulch is available in numerous shapes and colors and can be found at local gardening centers. However, making your own glass mulch can save you money and provide you with your own glass recycling method.

Things You'll Need

  • Towel
  • Heavy-duty trash bag
  • Heavy-duty gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • Hammer
  • Barrel or other cylinder-shaped container
  • Sand
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      Wrap the glass bottles securely inside a towel and place the towel inside a heavy-duty trash bag. Remove air from bag and close tightly. Place the bag on concrete or another hard surface.

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      Put on gloves and safety goggles.

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      Hammer the bottles several times until your glass size is the desired consistency. Be careful not to overdo it or you will create glass particles and dust instead of pieces more suitable for mulch.

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      Open the bag and remove the broken glass from the towel. Place the glass pieces into a barrel or other container that can be sealed. Add a few handfuls of sand and seal the container tightly.

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      Roll or shake the container several times, continually repeating this motion until the edges of the glass pieces have softened and smoothed enough for use.