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How to Create a Fish Farm Pond

A farm pond is a fairly small man-made body of water, often used to raise fish commercially. Adding a farm pond to your property allows you to catch fish without leaving home, and if you own a commercial fish farm, an extra pond will allow you to increase your stock. Enlisting the help of professionals during construction is recommended, because of the heavy excavation work required. But most of the important work takes place before digging, when you're creating the plans for your new pond.


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      Consult your state's department of natural resources to determine the regulations regarding farm ponds. Different states have different rules. You may have to obtain a license or abide by size and depth limitations. This needs to be taken into consideration before you begin to plan the pond.

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      Choose an area in which to dig your pond, and examine it. The soil at the location needs to be dense enough to hold the water, or your pond will simply sink into the ground. Clay is ideal. A source of running water is also essential, or your pond will become stagnant. Building it near a well or spring is a good idea, though you can also pipe water to the pond.

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      Decide how wide and deep to make your pond. If you have dimensional limitations because of state regulations, work within them. If the pond will only be used for fish, make it fairly small and quite deep. A wider, shallower pond is best suited for boating or irrigation. Your pond should be at least 6 feet deep to prevent the growth of algae.

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      Construct the pond. Hiring a professional farm pond builder is ideal, though other excavators can substitute. If you are familiar with earth-moving equipment, you can attempt it yourself, but for most people this is not recommended. See to it that the necessary plumbing to keep the water circulating is installed.

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      Ensure that your fish have sufficient cover for protection and comfort. An old Christmas tree or a pile of cinder blocks at the bottom of the pond are quick solutions, though you can also purchase specialized artificial fish habitat equipment.