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Ideas to Fill a Bird Bath

When a birdbath is no longer being used to hold water for birds but still provides a focal point in the garden, try filling it with plants and objects that suit its site. If you want to grow plants in the basin, you'll need to determine how much sun or shade the area gets, and, if the birdbath still holds water, you'll need to choose plants that like wet feet.
  1. Water Garden

    • A shallow water garden in a birdbath can support floating plants such as water lettuce and water hyacinth. They will multiply to fill the space but are annuals in most climates so will last from spring through fall. In a deeper bath, plant water-lovers such as acorus (sweet flag) and juncus. Add small statues, a garden gnome or pretty piece of quartz to the mix.

    Shade Garden

    • All the rage these days, moss and fern gardens are being created atop pedestals in shady areas. A birdbath makes the perfect structure. Make a roll of burlap filled with half potting soil and half compost, tied with fishing line. Form it into a ring just inside the edge of the birdbath. Fill the inside of the bath with more potting soil/compost mix. Cover the burlap ring with lichens and moss (you can pin them down to get them started) and the inside of the bath with small ferns, black mondo grass, miniature hostas, saxifraga and pieces of bark.

    Memory Garden

    • Fill the bath with sand and rest souvenirs from the beach, such as agates, sand dollars, shells and glass sea floats atop it. Or, if you have weatherproof souvenirs from other travels, arrange them atop a layer of colored pebbles or recycled-glass gravel.

    Succulent Garden

    • Succulents planted in gritty soil make a great filler for unused birdbaths in sunny sites. Add pumice or chicken grit to potting soil and fill the basin half full. Then tuck in sedums and sempervivums of contrasting textures, mixing rosette forms with trailing forms, which will hang over the birdbath edges. Pack more soil mix around them. Accent with a few decorative rocks or marbles.