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Does It Take Longer to Mow With a 20-Inch Vs. a 22-Inch Push Mower?

Mowing your lawn every five days during the active growing season encourages vigorous growth while maintaining a neat and healthy appearance. The time commitment necessary to properly mow the lawn each session depends largely on the mower's deck width. Using a 22-inch-wide push mower takes less time to cut the grass compared to a 20-inch-wide model, but several factors influence these mowing times.
  1. Do the Math

    • It takes 30 minutes to mow 10,890 square feet, or 1/4 acre, with a 20-inch push mower at 3 mph. In contrast, a 22-inch mower trims the same area in 27 minutes. Although the difference is not large, you see the time savings over the course of an entire growing season, including spring, summer and fall, when you properly mow each week. These mowing times may vary, especially if you have trouble turning the push mower around at the end of each swath.

    Overlap Your Passes

    • Proper mowing includes overlapping your passes to avoid tire ruts in the lawn. If you overlap passes more than the average 2 inches, your mowing time increases for both 20-inch and 22-inch mower decks. Overlapping is critical to trim all the grass without missing any spots. About nine-tenths of the mower deck cuts fresh grass while the remaining tenth overlaps the last swath. Mow horizontally and vertically in one session to keep the grass blades straight and trimmed evenly.

    Gauge Your Terrain

    • Your lawn's terrain slows you down if you have many obstacles, such as trees. Pushing the mower across thick and neglected grass also takes more physical strength, slowing your consistent mowing pace. Dull lawnmower blades contribute to a poor cut as well, making it necessary to mow the same area twice for an even trim. Sloped or hilly lawns take longer to mow with both 20-inch and 22-inch push mowers because you tend to slow down from an average 3 mph pace to reduce body strain.

    Weigh Your Options

    • Push mowers offer several options, including front- and rear-wheel drive. Regardless of your mower deck width, a front-drive mower has better agility and speed on turns compared to rear-wheel models. Select rear-wheel models for sloped lawns to increase traction and safety. Other options, such as bagging or mulching clippings, affect mowing speeds significantly because of the weight involved. A full grass clipping bag slows your walking pace compared to a mower that discharges its load for lawn composting. Both 20-inch and 22-inch mowers have variable mowing times when you consider all the factors affecting speed.