Home Garden

Walk-Behind vs. a Surfer Mower

A good-looking lawn actually can increase your home's value by up to 11 percent, according to the CNN Money website. Unless you want to shell out big bucks to a lawn service, however, you'll need to use a lawnmower to keep your lawn in tiptop shape. Although a walk-behind lawnmower suffices for a small lawn, a surfer mower will help you do the job faster and with less stress on your body. Also, a surfer mower may be more suitable than a walk-behind mower for a large lawn.
  1. Earning Your Stripes

    • One indicator of a carefully manicured lawn are mower stripes. The stripes are the result of sunlight reflecting off each blade of grass. When a lawnmower passes over the grass, it causes the grass blades to bend in the same direction, creating the illusion of a stripe in the grass. Wider stripes are more forgiving of less-than-straight lines. So a mower with a wide deck typically produces more aesthetically pleasing stripes than a mower with a narrower deck. Not much difference exists between deck sizes in some walk-behind and surfer mowers, but both offer wider decks than are typically available on the push-style walk-behind mowers.

    Mowing Efficiently

    • Some walk-behind mowers are self-propelled, with the operator guiding such a mower rather than pushing it. That feature reduces the effort required to maintain a lawn and may reduce the time needed to finish the job. A surfer mower requires even less effort to use because its operator doesn't have to walk at all. A surfer mower can be used to mow a lawn 25 to 50 percent faster than a walk-behind model, according to a Grounds Maintenance website article. Surfer models are typically more maneuverable in tight spaces than some walk-behind models, but both types work well on open, hilly terrain.

    Putting Safety First

    • Lawnmower accidents resulted in more than 252,000 injuries in 2010 in the United States, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. So safety is an obvious concern when choosing a lawnmower. Federally mandated switches on surfer mowers and walk-behind mowers help to reduce accidents. Also, a stand-on surfer mower with a spring suspension typically is less fatiguing to operate than a walk-behind mower.

    Paying the Price

    • Push-style, walk-behind lawnmowers cost less than some other walk-behind models and surfer mowers. Some walk-behind models and surfer mowers usually are considered commercial-grade and are priced accordingly. Stand-on mowers cost $5,500 to $6,500, according to the Grounds Maintenance article, which was published in 2013.