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My Lawn Boy Mower Gets Stuck by the Grass

Lawnmowers need regular maintenance just like your car. You probably would not purchase a new car and never do routine maintenance, and you should not do that with your lawnmower either. If your Lawn-Boy lawnmower gets stuck by the grass, there's one or more reasons: lack of basic maintenance each time you mow, lack of annual maintenance, the blade is dull or damaged or the grass is too high.
  1. Weekly Maintenance

    • If your Lawn-Boy is getting stuck in the grass, you may not be cleaning under the deck each time you finish mowing. Turn the mower over on its side after mowing and you will see that grass clippings are compacted under the deck. This problem occurs with all mulching lawnmowers. There are two ways to clean out the grass: Scrape it clean with a large putty knife or hose out the grass. Spraying cooking spray on the underside of the deck makes it easier to clean.

    Dull or Broken Blade

    • The lawnmower blade could be dull or damaged. Lawnmower blades need sharpening at least once a year. Typical blade damage might be a chip out of the blade, a bent blade or a dent. Any one of these conditions can cause the blade to grab the grass.

    High Grass

    • If the grass is too high, the mower will get stuck in the grass and may stall. During the hot days of summer, grass grows quickly. Mow every week and perhaps twice a week until the weather begins to cool and the grass slows. To remedy long grass, just mow the top third of it for the first mowing. Wait a few days to let the grass recuperate from the stress and mow a third again. Repeat this until the grass reaches the correct height.

    Yearly Maintenance

    • To keep your mower running optimally, attend to annual maintenance. Do this yourself or hire a lawnmower specialist. If done at the end of summer, the lawnmower will be ready to go the following spring. You can save a lot of money by doing the labor yourself, but remember to take all necessary precautions to prevent injury