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Lawn Tractors: Hydrostatic Drive Vs. Standard Shift

The hydrostatic drive is a recent transmission option found on lawn tractors. These tractors use hydraulics to connect the engine and wheels compared to the standard shifting transmissions that utilize belts and gears for shifting. Knowing the differences between the drive types allows you to make a selection of lawn tractor based on your needs and budget.
  1. Speed Control

    • The hydrostatic drive lawn tractor has the most speed control of any type of lawn tractor on the market. Gear shift and belt shift lawn tractors have limited speed variability, and shifting between speeds is required. This speed variability control comes from the fact that the hydrostatic transmission uses hydraulic fluid, which can vary the amount of power and therefore the speed of the tractor quickly.


    • Because the hydrostatic drive lawn tractor has greater speed control, it also has the advantage of better maneuverability than belt or gear driven tractors. The hydrostatic lawn tractor is able to turn faster and easier than other drive options on the market. The better speed control and maneuverability allow the hydrostatic drive to complete mowing tasks faster than other drive types.


    • Belt and gear drives cost much less than hydrostatic drive lawn tractors. Belt and gear drives have been around for decades in the lawn tractor industry, driving down the prices. Parts are easy to find, and the cost to repair these types of drives is relatively low. The hydrostatic drive is newer, and the cost to purchase and repair the tractors is significantly higher than traditional drive tractors. In addition, hydrostatic drives are not easy to repair at home, requiring you to take the tractor in for work.


    • The hydrostatic drive requires much more maintenance than other drive types. The oil in the hydrostatic drive is under pressure and must be properly monitored. The system should be kept clean along with all other parts of the tractor. Failure to properly maintain the tractor may result in costly repairs and shorter life for the tractor.


    • Hydrostatic drives are not as powerful as standard shift drives. This means that a more powerful engine is required on a hydrostatic drive lawn tractor. On properties with steep slopes, a gear or belt drive may be more dependable than an equally powered hydrostatic drive tractor.