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How Often Do You Treat a Yard With Scotts Fungus Granules?

Scott’s Lawn Fungus Control is a granular product used to prevent and suppress turfgrass fungal diseases. Plant pathologists with the University of Delaware Extension caution homeowners against using fungicides and suggest that a lawn care professional perform the application. This is because most homeowners lack the proper equipment and may not take the time to read and follow all label instructions and cautions. If you choose to treat your lawn with Scott’s fungus granules, read the label in its entirety.
  1. Types of Diseases

    • Lawns contract a number of fungal diseases with symptoms ranging from brown patches to thinning of the turf. Scott’s Lawn Fungus Control prevents and suppresses the fungal pathogens that cause brown patch, pink patch, red thread, dollar spot, copper spot and stripe smut. Brown spot is easy to diagnose. It strikes during hot weather and produces 1- to 3-foot diameter patches. Pink patch and red thread typically occur at the same time and lend a red or pink cast to the lawn. Dollar spot causes straw-colored patches of turf and flourishes when the temperature is between 65 and 85 degrees. If you notice copper-colored spots that measure less than 3 inches in diameter, suspect copper spot. Stripe smut occurs in cool weather and causes gradual discoloration until the blades turn black.


    • Scott’s fungus granules may be used to prevent or manage listed fungal infections. When attempting to prevent disease, apply the granules as soon as you notice disease symptoms and repeat the application every two to three weeks. To control an existing disease, apply the granules every 30 days throughout the season, but don’t exceed four applications per year. Rate of application varies, depending on the application’s purpose, and is listed on the product’s label.


    • To prevent disease, apply the granules to wet or dry foliage. The foliage must be dry when you are attempting to control an active infection. Choose a windless day to apply the fungicide granules and use a drop or rotary spreader, not a hand-held device. Water the area to a depth of 6 inches after application to activate the fungicide. Provide 1 inch of water per week. Wait one week after spreading the granules to apply any other product to the area.


    • Apply the Scott’s fungicide granules in a strip across the width of the lawn, at both ends. This is known as a header strip. Spread the granules down the length of the lawn, closing it when you move onto the header strip to make turns. Open the spreader as you move off the header strip. This helps you avoid over-application at the ends of the lawn. Scott’s fungus granules may be harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin, so wear a dust-filtering mask and protective clothing during the application. Wash with soap and water immediately after the application.