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How to Cut and Remove Crumbling Sod

The ideal lawn is smooth, bright and healthy. Unfortunately, because of dry conditions or overwatering, sod does not always set smoothly into a lawn or garden. Crumbling sod must be removed with precision to protect the growth around the damaged turf. With a few gardening tools and little care and patience, sections of crumbling sod can be lifted out of your garden to make room for new nutrients and growth to be added to the area.

Things You'll Need

  • Hose spray nozzle
  • Sharp spade
  • Lawn or garden shears
  • Wheelbarrow
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    • 1

      Water the crumbling area of sod lightly with a spray nozzle on your hose a day or two before you plan on removing the sod. The sod and soil underneath should be slightly moist but not waterlogged. Moisture creates more compact, stable sod for removal.

    • 2

      Cut out the perimeter of a 1-by-1-foot square, using the sharp edge of a garden spade or shovel. This square may include a bit of healthy sod, but the even lines will produce the least amount of damage in the lawn.

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      Stick the tip of the spade under one side of the cut square and pry up the crumbling sod. Cut away any dangling roots underneath the piece of sod, using garden shears.

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      Roll up the square of sod as neatly as possible like a jellyroll. Some bits may fall off the square section. Remove these bits and place in the wheelbarrow for removal. Heave the rolled square of sod into the wheelbarrow. Remove any debris left over from the sod square to create a clean area of soil. Repeat these steps with any remaining crumbling sod, doing small sections each time.