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Should One Fertilize the Lawn in March?

Most lawns in the United States do not need to be fertilized until after they have greened up in the spring. The first application of lawn fertilizer for an annual lawn maintenance program is generally not recommended until April or May.
  1. Lawn Types

    • By May, lawns in all parts of the country can receive the year's first application.

      Certain warm-season lawn types in warmer parts of the country can benefit by a March fertilizer application. Bermuda grass, Zoysia grass, centipede grass and Bahia grass can all receive their first application of fertilizer for the year. All other lawn types should wait until later in the spring.

    Fertilizer Rates

    • Applying more than 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet can burn lawn areas.

      Lawns should not receive more than 1 lb. of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn area per application. The first number on any bag of lawn fertilizer indicates the percent of nitrogen by weight of the bag's contents. For example, a 50-lb. bag of 12-12-12 fertilizer contains 6 lbs. of actual nitrogen.

    Soil Testing

    • A soil analysis will tell how much fertilizer to use and when to apply.

      To know for sure whether or not your lawn needs fertilization at all, have the soil tested at least once every two years. This can be done by sending a sample to a university or private lab, or by using do-it-yourself kits available at most garden stores.