Home Garden

How to Cut Grass Around a Manufactured Home

Don't just go out there and mow your lawn any old way. Rather, adopt a few good mowing habits. As a result of a few, simple changes, your lawn will grow plusher, more green, contain fewer weeds and perhaps may just be the envy of the neighborhood. If you live in a manufactured home, mowing the grass growing around your home is no different than mowing it around any other home.


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      Remove any large rocks and sticks. Move toys, lawn ornaments, furniture and anything else that may be on the lawn. Look close to your home where rocks and other objects may not be as easy to spot. It's better to get those things out of the way before you begin mowing than while you're mowing.

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      Set your mower an ideal height for your grass variety. Most cool-season grasses, such as bluegrass and fescue, grow thicker and have fewer weeds when mowed at a height of 2 to 3 inches. Warm-season grasses, such as zoysia and bermuda, are best kept shorter, about 1 to 2 inches high.

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      Cut the grass before it grows too high. Ideally, don't mow more than 1/3 of the grass' height at any one mowing, which can stop the roots from growing. For example, to mow a lawn down to 3 inches, do so before it grows taller than 4 1/2 inches. To mow a lawn down to 1 inch, do so before it grows taller than 1 1/2 inches.

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      Mow as close as you can to the manufactured home with the wheel right next to the home. Mow in a direction so the grass blows outward toward the yard. As you turn around the corners of the home, continue to keep the grass blowing outward away from the home. You may need a weed trimmer to get the grass growing just at the edge of the home and on the corners where the lawn mower can't reach.

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      Mow the rest of the grass in rows, carefully maneuvering around trees and other obstacles. For warm-season grasses mowed at a short height, don't always mow in the same direction. If you normally mow your lawn in rows that are perpendicular to your home, next time, mow it in rows that are horzinonatal to your home. This helps prevent noticable injuries to the grass from the mower wheels.