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How to Kill Creeping Bentgrass

Creeping bentgrass is a type of common pasture grass that grows rapidly and can quickly overtake a garden or lawn, crowding out other plants and making it difficult for them to grow properly. Killing creeping bentgrass effectively can take a bit of effort, but a specialized pesticide or the proper gardening tools should help you with the process.

Things You'll Need

  • Herbicide containing glyphosate
  • Hand sod cutter or shovel
  • Wheelbarrow
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  1. Herbicide Method

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      Purchase an herbicide containing glyphosate at your local home service center. Apply the herbicide, according to the manufacturer's instructions, directly on the areas containing the bentgrass. The herbicide will kill all grass and other plantings, so take care not to expose other areas of your yard to it.

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      Expand use of the herbicide to a range of 6 inches around each growth of bentgrass. The added herbicide with help kill any extra stems that may have grown outside of the concentrated patches of creeping bentgrass.

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      Wait one week for the herbicide to take full effect. Then reseed the area with fresh grass seeds, or measure the area and lay down appropriately sized sod.

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      If new rhizomes appear through the soil before reseeding or sodding, pull out the rhizomes by hand immediately. If you choose to wait until the rhizomes sprout leaves, apply the glyphosate herbicide to the growth area to kill the rhizomes.

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      Water the fresh grass seeds or sod to promote healthy grass growth. Keep the sod moist until the roots attach to the soil.

    Removal with Garden Tools

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      Check for patches of creeping bentgrass. Using a shovel or hand sod cutter, cut directly around the patch to a depth of 1 inch or more to get under the root system of the bentgrass.

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      Lift out the patches of creeping bentgrass with the hand sod cutter or shovel. Place the patches in a wheelbarrow for easy removal.

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      Plant grass seeds or lay down sod in the areas where the creeping bentgrass was removed. Water the sod or seeds.