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Chemical Control of Creeping Bentgrass

Creeping bentgrass is an invasive plant that can take over an ecosystem to the detriment of other species. Chemical control of creeping bentgrass involves the use of herbicides, chemicals that kill plants or inhibit their growth. Herbicides are not the only way--and may not be the best way--to control creeping bentgrass.
  1. Description

    • Creeping bentgrass is a cool-season grass characterized by its bright green color and leaves that are flat, narrow and rolled in the bud. The low-growing grass is generally used for golf course putting greens, lawn bowling greens and lawn tennis facilities. The grass is extremely invasive, though, and can steal nutrients, water, sunlight and space from other grasses.

    Chemical Control

    • Herbicides containing the active ingredient glyphosate, such as Roundup and KleenUp, can control creeping bentgrass. As non-selective herbicides, applying them will kill everything in your lawn, including desirable grasses and plants. Apply herbicide in the area containing the creeping bentgrass and then reseed the area. Apply herbicides containing glyphosate in spring or fall to an area at least 6 inches beyond the patch of creeping bentgrass. This will ensure that the stems moving away from the patch are killed, according to the website American Lawns. Currently, only one selective herbicide--Tenacity with mesotrione--purports to kill creeping bentgrass without harming desirable grasses and plants.

    Alternative Control Methods

    • Creeping bentgrass has a shallow root system. Fortunately, this makes patches of the grass relatively easy to remove using a sod cutter or shovel. Dig at least an inch deep to remove the root systems.


    • Applying herbicides can be extremely dangerous if done incorrectly. Apply only the recommended rates. If you're using a sprayer, be sure the sprayer has been calibrated properly. Moreover, avoid spraying on particularly windy days to minimize drift, the spread of herbicides to unintended areas. Follow all instructions on the manufacturer's label and keep herbicides out of reach of children, pets and livestock.