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The Best Organic Lawn Fertilizer That Is Safe for the Earth

Organic lawn care is safe for the earth because the principles of soil nutrient replenishment are utilized. Organic fertilizer replaces nutrients and supports microorganism populations. Non-organic, synthetic lawn fertilizer depletes soil of the trace minerals needed for optimum lawn turf growth and soil health. Grass plants need 16 nutrients to grow and thrive. Commonly used synthetic fertilizers provide nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus only. There are several considerations to choosing the best organic lawn fertilizer that is safe for the earth.
  1. Organic Fertilizer Contents

    • Organic fertilizer is derived from all natural sources. Synthetic fertilizer is high in nitrogen created from a laboratory process. Excess nitrogen in soil kills the essential microorganisms that create the nutrients for food crops. Natural sources for organic fertilizers include blood and bone meal, animal manures, mined rock phosphates, fish waste products, seaweed, cottonseed meal, alfalfa meal, soybean meal and feathermeal. Biologically healthy soil depends on a balance of 16 nutrients.

    Organic Labeling

    • Some fertilizers sold as "organic" contain sewage waste products. The fertilizer industry is not regulated under the National Organic Program. Fertilizer product label regulations are governed by state agencies. Many organic fertilizer manufacturers use the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) to determine which fertilizer source materials are safe for the earth. Home gardeners often use their own sifted, mature homemade compost as lawn fertilizer to ensure safe, organic contents.

    Commercial Blends

    • Scotts Natural Lawn Food uses materials approved of by OMRI, such as feathermeal, bone meal, meat meal and sulfate of potash. Dr. Earth Organic Super Natural Lawn Fertilizer is safe for the earth because it increases the population of microorganisms and micorrhizae fungi that contribute to soil health. It contains fish meal, bone meal, calcium sulphate, feathermeal and alfalfa meal. Jonathan Green Organic Lawn Fertilizer contains similar materials along with amino and humic acids to rejuvenate the lawn.

    Homemade Compost

    • Compost transmutes toxic chemical compounds in the soil, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Compost is easily made in a backyard bin or simple pile. Water and oxygen are added to plant materials to begin the decomposition process. Mature compost is ready to use as a lawn fertilizer in three to six months, depending on the compost process and local weather conditions. Compost contains all 16 nutrients that lawns need to grow and thrive. It is the least expensive choice of organic lawn fertilizers that are good for the earth.