Home Garden

Lawn Sprinkler Pressure Problems

Most residential irrigation systems require an adequate amount of water pressure for sprinklers and valves to operate properly. The standard amount of water pressure for most applications is about 60 psi. A number of factors can affect water pressure, but you can take steps to adjust the amount of water pressure for the water that enters your home from the main line.
  1. Symptoms

    • If your sprinkler heads no longer pop up, chances are there is not enough water pressure to activate the heads. Water pressure forces the small supply tube up from the sprinkler body. When there is not enough pressure, the spring inside the sprinkler will keep the head from moving up. Another sign of weak water pressure is when water spills from the top of the pressure vacuum breaker near the irrigation control box. Water pressure forces a spring inside the breaker down, and low pressure can lead to leaks.

    Water Appliances

    • A number of appliances inside your home use water, including the refrigerator, washing machine and dishwasher. When one or more of these devices is running at the same time, it can substantially reduce water pressure that would otherwise be available to your sprinklers. Try turning off these devices when you are running the sprinklers for improved performance.

    New Construction

    • New construction can siphon off pressure from your lawn sprinklers because the equipment used to construct new buildings often requires large amounts of water or because the new buildings are using large amounts of water. Municipalities also can use large amounts of water for construction projects. Contact your city's utility provider and ask if the pressure dip is expected, how long it is expected to last and whether the dip is permanent.

    Adjusting Your Pressure

    • All homes are equipped with a water pressure regulator. These bell-shaped devices regulate the amount of water pressure that's allowed to enter your main line. Because these devices sit before the sprinkler supply line, you can adjust the regulator and have an effect on the sprinklers. Loosen the nut around the base of the regulator, and turn the adjustment knob clockwise to increase the amount of pressure to your sprinklers.