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How to Till Around Trees With a Machine

Tilling around trees with a machine like a rototiller is one way to reduce the number of annual weeds growing around a stand of trees. When using a rototiller, you must take care not to damage the tree's roots. Most of the roots grow close to the surface of the soil where they are in danger of being severed by the rototiller. Root damage weakens the tree and leaves it vulnerable to insect and disease predation.

Things You'll Need

  • String
  • Cornstarch
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    • 1

      Mark off the length of your tree's canopy by laying a string underneath the drip line of the tree.

    • 2

      Mark off a circle centered on the trunk of the tree, using the string's length as the radius of the circle. Lines made with cornstarch or flour make effective, temporary markers. This circle is the no-till zone.

    • 3

      Mark off a similar no-till zone around any other trees on your property.

    • 4

      Turn on, calibrate and operate the tilling machine according to the manufacturer's instructions. Be sure to stay outside of the no-till zones to avoid damaging any roots.