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Pet-Friendly Lawn Fertilizer With Insect Control

Pets must be considered when evaluating lawn care options. There are no pet-friendly fertilizers for lawns with insect control properties; there are some maintenance practices that will increase the health of the lawn and make it more resistant to insect pests.
  1. Traditional Lawn Treatment

    • Always use lawn products in strict accordance to the label reccomendations to keep pets safe.

      The responsible use of traditional fertilizers and insect control products for the lawn rarely has any negative effects on pets, According to Dr. Petra Volmer of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She states, "In general, most residential-use products have low toxicity."

    Organic Lawn Treatments

    • Use natural sources of nutrients for the lawn instead of synthetic ones.

      For those who wish to improve the health of their lawn using environmentally friendly products, there are many that are safe to use around pets. Lawn fertilizers containing composted manures and ground minerals are good for the lawn and safe for humans and pets.


    • A good blend of grass seed has several species to avoid a monoculture lawn.

      The best way to avoid the use of lawn applications and remove any risk to pets is to establish and keep a healthy lawn. Make sure to select a grass seed blend with several species for maximum insect and disease resistance. When mowing, always use sharpened blades and return the clippings to the lawn; do not bag or remove them.