Home Garden

Is Scott's Fertilizer Safe for Dogs?

Lawn fertilizers such as Scott's brand, in conjunction with routine mowing, watering and aeration, are capable of keeping your lawn healthy and green. A healthy lawn is an ideal playground for your dog. Knowing whether or not Scott's products are safe for your pet adds peace of mind when you send your puppy out to play.
  1. Dogs and Fertilizer

    • When using any fertilizer, careful adherence to the instructions is important both for the health of the lawn and the dog's safety. Scott's claims to be completely safe not only for pets, but also for children. It is advised to keep off the grass immediately after application until it has been wet down and then dried one time. You can hurry the process by thoroughly watering in the fertilizer and allowing it to dry before allowing the dog on it.

    Dog Vomiting

    • If you catch your dog "grazing" and then subsequently vomiting, this is not usually any cause for concern. There would not be enough of any Scott's product on the minimal amount of grass a dog could consume, as they typically only eat a few blades at a time. They do so to induce vomiting when they have an upset stomach. If the problem continues with much frequency, take your dog to the vet to look for an underlying cause.

    Dogs and Lawns

    • Dogs can wreak havoc on a lawn when they use it as a toilet. Dog urine often causes yellow spots surrounded by a ring of darker green grass, and these are unsightly at best. Scott's offers a lawn repair product that neutralizes the salt in dog urine that causes the grass dieback. In addition to using this repair product, consider potty training your dog to do its business somewhere other than on the grass.

    Clean Up

    • After fertilizing a lawn, clean up any spilled fertilizer or other lawn care products off sidewalks, driveways, patios or walkways to keep it from running off into storm drains or being tracked into the home.