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How Much Grass Seed Would I Need to Overseed an Area of 300 Square Yards?

Overseeding your lawn provides necessary reinforcements to a damaged or thinning yard. Overseeding adds grass seed to the soil to replenish grass that was lost or damaged from traffic, sun or drought. Small areas of concern can be seeded by hand while a yard spanning 300 square yards will be better dealt with by using an automatic seed spreader.
  1. Amount of Seed

    • Determining the amount of seed to use to overseed your yard depends upon the type of grass seed you are planting. The seed amount for an area of 300 square yards should be measured in pounds of seed. Determine the type of seed you will be using to overseed and purchase the appropriate amount from a nursery or lawn care retailer. Anticipate using 1 to 2 lbs. of Bluegrass seed per 1,000 square feet. Tall Fescue and Ryegrass, for overseeding Bermuda grass, will require 4 lbs. of seed for the job. Use 2 lbs. of Fine Fescue to overseed 1,000 square feet.

    Prepare the Lawn for Overseeding

    • Mow the lawn to a height of less than 3 inches. Adjust the height level of the mower to the lowest setting that will avoid scraping the soil. Rake the grass clippings and collect them for compost or other disposal. Rake the lawn with a garden rake to remove stones or other obstructions in the soil and to remove thatch from the upper layer of soil. Thatch will inhibit the seed roots from growing deep into the soil.

    Spread the Seeds

    • Using an automatic seed spreader, add the grass seed to the spreader and close the spreading spout. Start at one corner of the lawn, open the spreader and walk along a path to cover the entire lawn. Be sure to stop the spreading of the seeds at any point where you are turning or stopping to prevent waste. Leave the spreader in place at any point where you need to add more seed to the spreader to keep track of your progress.

    After Overseeding

    • Lightly rake the lawn to mix the seeds into the loose top soil. Water the lawn generously without over-saturating the lawn. The climate will dictate the amount of watering you will need to do. During wetter weather you will need to water the lawn less frequently, if at all, after the initial moisturization. Mow the lawn regularly to keep the old grass at a height of less than 3 inches for the first six weeks after overseeding. Taller grass will shield the new seedlings from the sun light and moisture it will need to grow.