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The Annual Inspection of Sprinkler Heads

A sprinkler system is a good way to keep your lawn looking its best all year. But sprinkler heads require basic maintenance. You should tuneup your sprinklers at least once a year to ensure the system is working as efficiently as possible. Inspecting your system annually will ensure that it is not wasting water and that your lawn is receiving all the water it needs. Proper maintenance will also extend the life of your equipment.
  1. Basic Inspection

    • Every year you should give your sprinkler heads a basic look over to see if there are any visible problems. Inspect the heads for signs of wear and tear, such as friction rubs on the side of the sprinkler risers, which can be a sign of problems to come as rocks and sand become lodged between the riser and the sprinkler body. You should also look for signs of physical damage to the body of the sprinkler such as cracks.

    Inspect and Clean Nozzles

    • Every sprinkler head should be cleaned at least once a year to prevent debris from clogging the nozzle. Removing the nozzle will expose a small plastic filter that should be scrubbed clean with a nylon brush and replaced. Nozzles should also be brushed out to remove dirt and plant debris. Keeping your nozzles clear will ensure that water covers the grass evenly. A clogged nozzle can lead to brown spots in the lawn where water doesn't reach.

    Adjusting Spray Patterns

    • While running your sprinklers, check the spray patterns. Spray patterns should overlap the next sprinkler by at least 12 inches for proper coverage. Most sprinkler heads can be adjusted for throw distance and arc patterns. Adjusting the set screws on top of the sprinkler heads will allow you to fine-tune the pattern of the sprinkler. Some sprinkler heads are not adjustable. However, fixed patterns can be rotated by hand to fine-tune the direction of the water.

    Double Checking

    • After running your sprinklers for two weeks, inspect the system for a second time. After two weeks, brown spots will begin to develop in the yard in places that are not receiving the proper amount of water. Adjusting the sprinklers for a second time will address these problem areas before the grass dies off. Clean the heads for a second time to ensure that loose debris around the heads has fully cleared.