Home Garden

All Natural Grass Killer

Grass grows just about everywhere. When it begins growing in an unwanted or unintended location, getting rid of it becomes a chore. Many commercial grass killers are available. However, these products contain harsh toxins that can pollute the lawn and environment. Several nontoxic items commonly found in homes work as all-natural grass killers by eliminating the grass without synthetic chemicals.
  1. Boiling Water

    • Dousing the unwanted grass with boiling water burn them as well as any seeds hiding in the ground. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, carefully remove the boiling water from the stove and drench the grass. Use potholders or oven mitts to transport the pot without burning yourself. Do not wait too long or the water cools. Repeat the process one to two times a day until the grass dies.

    Pickling Vinegar

    • A natural and pungent liquid, vinegar is a common ingredient in many homemade cleaning concoctions. Pour pickling vinegar in a clean spray bottle and saturate the grass until dripping wet on hot, sunny days. As the hot sun beats down on the grass, the vinegar burns the grass. If pickling vinegar is not available, use white vinegar. Pickling vinegar has a higher acidic level then white vinegar and using white vinegar may take longer to kill the grass.

    Dish Soap

    • The same product that cleans your plates, cups and silverware kills unwanted grass. Pour 4 cups of water in a clean spray bottle. Add 5 tbsp. of liquid dish soap to the water and secure the lid on the spray bottle. Gently shake the spray bottle for several seconds to mix the dish soap and water together. Wait for a hot, sunny day and coat the unwanted grass with the soapy mixture. Repeat the process as needed.

    Baking Soda

    • Commonly found in recipes and toothpaste, baking soda is a natural deodorizer and cleaner that you can use as a preventive measure to keep grass from growing. Sprinkle baking soda in between sidewalk and driveways cracks where grass would grow. The baking soda contains sodium, which creates an unpleasant growing environment for grass and weeds.


    • Alcohol burns the grass, causing it to wilt and die. Fill a clean spray bottle with 2 cups of water and add 1 oz. of vodka. Any type of vodka will do. Add two to three drops of dish soap to the mixture. Mist the grass with the alcohol once a day until the vegetation dies. For better results, mist the plants with the mixture when the sun is at its hottest.

    Black Plastic

    • Smother and burn unwanted grass by covering it with black plastic. The sun beats down on the black plastic, which warms the area underneath it, creating a hostile growing environment. The plastic blocks sunlight, which grass needs to survive. Using black plastic to eliminate the grass takes weeks or even months to kill unwanted vegetation.