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Can I Use Saltwater From My Pool to Water My Lawn?

When saltwater is applied to grass and plants, salt can build up in the soil and steal vital nutrients and moisture. The salt used for saltwater pools can block the roots and prevent the grass from absorbing water from the soil.
  1. Salt in Soil

    • While salt is present in all kinds of soil, NaCl or table salt can cause the soil to swell or become concentrated at the roots. Plants and grass may still grow in overly salty soil, but the growth is slowed and reduced until eventually the plant dies.

    Watering the Lawn

    • There are about 25 pounds of salt per every 1,000 gallons of water in a saltwater pool. Since the salt is dissolved into the water it will be absorbed into the soil with the water. If you choose to water your lawn with saltwater, alternate between salt and fresh water so salt does not build up under the surface of the ground. Research your landscaping to see if it is salt-sensitive.


    • If you use saltwater only occasionally, the natural flow of rain water will leach the salt far below the root zone of the grass. Some other plants, however, have much deeper roots and may still be affected by the salt.