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Crabgrass Preventer That Won't Harm Grass Seed

While you may want to get rid of the unsightly crabgrass overtaking your lawn, you would rather avoid chemical means of doing so, which can harm wanted grass seed. Chemical weed killers are generally dangerous to the environment in numerous ways. including infecting groundwater and poisoning animals and insects. Keep your grass seed and the environment safe using cultural and natural methods of crabgrass prevention.
  1. Crabgrass Description

    • A native of Europe, crabgrass is annual grass that crops up during growing season. It is green with crab leg-like stems that grow in a sprawling appearance from the roots. Blades are often wider than typical turf grass. It appears in clumps and is able to withstand hot, dry conditions. One crabgrass clump can spread thousands of seeds before dying in the fall, meaning a whole new infestation can overtake your lawn come spring.

    Mowing Method

    • One method of preventing crabgrass that will not harm other grasses on your lawn is with frequent mowing. This will create healthy, dense turf that will compete with crabgrass and prevent it from growing. Mow in accordance to your turf species at either 2.5 or 3.0 inches. Do not mow below specifications as this will allow crabgrass to grow and spread. Remove no more than 1/3 of the grass blade per mowing, try mowing twice a week in the spring and every other week during summer months.

    Watering Method

    • Water your lawn deeply but infrequently to prevent crabgrass formation. Watering your lawn daily and lightly encourages shallow rooting and non-drought, hardy turf such as crabgrass to form. Instead water so the roots are saturated, then refrain from watering again until you see signs of drought. These include blueish-gray turf and grass that remains imprinted once stepped on inside of bouncing back.

    Corn Gluten Meal Method

    • A final method for controlling crabgrass that will not interfere with wanted grass seed is corn gluten meal. This slow-releasing natural lawn fertilizer inhibits mold and fungus growth in the soil in addition to crabgrass and other weeds, and also repels lawn-invading insects. As it is an organic product it requires heavy applications to work effectively, use 10 pounds of corn gluten meal per 1,000 square feet of lawn for best results. Though this fertilizer can be applied to lawns any time of year, spread it over your grass after the last of the snow has melted in early spring to control crabgrass.