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How to Mow Grass on a Slope

Mowing a yard with a slope presents a challenge. Not only does it tax you physically, but running a lawn mower over a slanted surface creates danger. The equipment tends to move downwards and, if the mower gets away from you, it could cause injury or damage to the people or property below. However, according to Gilbert Pena, the brand marketing manager of John Deere, the biggest safety issue for mowing on slopes remains the possibility of equipment rollover. Fortunately, a proper technique for mowing a slope will keep you safe.


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      Inspect the slope before you start to mow. See whether any dangerous dips or holes exist. Remove fallen tree limbs, rocks or other debris in the mower's path. Not only can these objects cause problems for the mower, but they could make you slip and fall as well.

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      Use a walk-behind mower to mow the slope. Although riding lawn mowers prove faster and simpler to operate, they add an increased risk of turning over when used on a slope. This could pin the rider underneath, causing injury or even death.

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      Start at the bottom and push the lawn mower across the slope in a horizontal or side-to-side direction. This not only provides you with better footing as you walk across the slope, but will also produce a longer pattern that gives the slope a neater appearance when you finish.