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How to Install Posted Signs

Posted signs are warnings to trespassers that your property is private. Although trespassing on private property is illegal even without posted signs, the signs can delineate specific activities that are prohibited. Posted signs are often used to ban hunting, fishing and trapping on your property. By using a sign, you are warning potential violators of the consequences if they trespass on your property. These signs are simple to place and can establish a boundary for your property.

Things You'll Need

  • Hammer
  • Nails
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      Purchase your signs from a local hardware or retail store. The sign should contain a message such as "No Trespassing" if you do not want anyone on your property. For specific activities, there are signs that provide more detail such as "Fishing, hunting and trapping are strictly prohibited." Be sure the sign is the minimum size allowed by your state.

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      Add your contact information to your signs. In most states, your name and address is required on any posted sign.

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      Attach your signs to trees, fences and other sturdy objects along your boundary with a hammer and a nail. Be sure to include your signs at all entry points to alert trespassers. There should be a sign on each side of your property and all corners. Be sure the sign is at eye level.

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      Review your signs at least yearly. Replace any worn or missing signs and make sure your signs are still legible and easy for others to read.

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      Report any trespassers to an environmental conservation officer or a local police officer.