Home Garden

What Is the Most Effective Mole Deterrent?

Moles are a nightmare for lawns and gardens and are hard to detect until they have already done damage. Moles have an insatiable appetite and feed off of worms and grubs. You may notice the presence of moles by the spongy feeling of your lawn or the appearance of molehills and tunnels. Aside from calling in pest control or trying to trap the moles, there are several ways you can deter them.
  1. Plants as Deterrents

    • Onion and garlic bulbs are also mole deterrents.

      Several plants are known to drive moles away. The most popular plant deterrent is the castor oil plant. It is a toxic plant and grows quite high very quickly, so make sure you have the room. Caper Surge and Mexican marigold are also good mole deterrents and do not take up as much space. If you are a lover of flowers, plant bulbs around your yards that moles typically dislike. These include daffodils, Crown imperials and Siberian squill.

    Castor Oil

    • It is best to use the castor oil mix after a heavy rain or watering.

      Castor oil is a common mole deterrent that works. You can buy castor oil mixes at the local gardening center or you can make your own. Mix 1/4 cup of castor oil, 2 tbsp. of liquid soap and a 1/4 of water in a blender until the mixture has the consistency of shaving cream. . Stir 2 tbsp. of this mixture in a gallon garden can filled with warm water. Sprinkle over areas of heavy mole infestation.

    Barrier Method

    • The barrier method may be the best way to keep moles out of your yard but it is time consuming and can be expensive. Decide on the area you want to protect and dig a 12 in. trench around the area. Insert 16 in. of steel as a lawn edge, leaving 4 in. above the ground. This prevents moles from entering underneath and above the ground. For best results and for aesthetic reasons, do this around the largest perimeter of your yard.

    Sonic and Electronic Repellents

    • Many homeowners have used sonic or electronic devices successfully in trying to deter moles. You can purchase these types of products at gardening centers or on the Internet. Electronic and sonic devices are battery operated and work by creating vibrations or sonic pulses that drive moles away. They usually come in the form of spikes that you stick in the ground.