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How to Treat Purple Dust on Grass

Leaf spot is a lawn disease that rears its ugly head after drizzly weather on cool spring mornings. The general rule of thumb when it comes to lawn diseases is high humidity combined with heavy dew almost always triggers disease growth on your grass. In the first stage of leaf spot, tiny, purple spots that resemble dust appear on the blades of grass. The spots continue to grow, developing a brown center with purple edges. Thankfully, the disease can still be reversed at this stage in the disease by applying a fungicide and taking a few extra steps to protect your lawn.


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      Apply a fungicide to the areas of the lawn that show symptoms of leaf spot. Read the fungicide label carefully and follow instructions. Check with your local county extension office for tips on when and how to apply fungicide to problem spots on your lawn.

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      Apply fertilizer to your grass sparingly. Fertilizer only feeds the leaf spot, making the disease worse. If you do fertilize, use a slow-release nitrogen product and apply less than the recommended amount.

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      Refrain from watering your grass unless it really needs it. Moisture only further spreads the leaf spot. Never water your grass in the evening or at night if you have issues with leaf spot. Instead, water in the morning when there is still dew on the ground.

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      Drag a hose over your lawn to remove dew and extra moisture from the grass. Keeping your lawn dry prevents the leaf spot from progressing to the point where it starts killing your grass.