Home Garden

The Best Sprinklers for a Square Lawn

Keeping your lawn green all season long requires the proper amount of water. Having the right kind of sprinkler heads for your lawn can make a big difference in getting that water where it's needed most. There are two types of sprinklers for a lawn that is laid out in a square pattern; traditional sprinklers that use circular patterns, and newer square nozzles that are designed specifically for square lawns. Understanding how these different nozzles work will help you make an informed decision about which ones to buy.
  1. Traditional Corners

    • Traditional corner sprinklers use a circular pattern of 90 degrees. These sprinklers spray water in a quarter circle. Because they are located at each corner of the lawn, the 90-degree pattern will cover the lawn up to the middle sprinklers without wasting water with a 180-degree or 360-degree pattern. Most sprinkler manufacturers carry a large selection of corner sprayers. When selecting a corner nozzle, it's important to select one that is rated to throw water at least as far as where the water from the next closest sprinkler ends. This will ensure proper coverage.

    Traditional Middle Sections

    • Traditional middle sprinklers sit in between corner units. These sprinklers utilize a 180-degree circular pattern that faces the lawn. This pattern allows water to cover the middle of the lawn, up to where the corner sprinklers stop spraying. Middle sprinklers are placed along the edges of lawns. Depending on the size of your lawn, you may use one or several middle sprinklers to complete the coverage from end to end of the grass.

    Square Corners

    • One of the newest types of sprinkler nozzles is the square nozzle. These nozzles throw water in a square pattern, rather than a circular pattern. This can greatly reduce the amount of sprinkler heads that are needed to cover square lawns, as they require fewer units to cover the same amount of square footage. The units designed for the corners of your lawn will shoot water in a rectangle that follows the closest edge of the grass and extends outward toward the middle of the lawn. For smaller lawns, it's possible to use only four sprinklers in the corners to cover all of the grass. Hunter and Nelson carry some of the most advanced square nozzles available.

    Square Middle Sections

    • Like traditional middle sprinklers, square middle nozzles cover the areas in-between the corner sprayers. But square middle nozzles spray water in a square pattern that extends to both sides along the leading edge of the lawn. This makes middle square nozzles very efficient, as they overlap perfectly with their corner companions. Because of this added efficiency, it's possible to use fewer sprinklers along the middle of a yard than if you used traditional circular nozzles.