Home Garden

How to Eliminate Oak Tree Acorns in the Ground

Oak trees are a beautiful addition to a home's landscaping. However, cleaning the acorns from the lawn that the oak tree leaves behind can prove to be a hassle for the homeowner. There is no surefire way to rid your lawn of the falling acorns, but there are steps you can take to make oak trees less productive. Some things you can do on your own, while others will require the work of hired help.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Fruit elimination spray
  • Garden shears
  • Gloves
  • Rake
  • Garbage bag
  • Professional tree care company
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  1. Manually Removing Acorn Tree Blossoms

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      Inspect your oak tree in the very beginning of the spring season for flowering acorn buds, or other forms of new growth on the tree.

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      Securely place your ladder so you can access the acorn buds safely and easily. With gloved hands, and using garden shears, remove the flowering buds from the oak tree.

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      Rake the cut acorn buds and other pieces of debris from the lawn, place in a garbage bag and discard.

    Stopping the Acorn Growth

    • 4

      Purchase a fruit elimination spray from the hardware store or plant nursery, and mix according the directions on the bottle.

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      Using a ladder to get close to the tree branches, spray each bundle of leaves that are beginning to blossom on the oak tree, according to the elimination spray's directions.

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      Repeat the spray once every year to fully eliminate new growth in the coming years.

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      Rake any fallen acorns from the ground to avoid new tree growth.