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Harmful Effects of Soil Degradation

Soil degredation is a process that occurs when soil loses the nutrients it needs to promote the growth of healthy plant life. There are several different forms that soil degradation can take, but all forms of soil degradation will have negative side effects for the people and animals that rely on the land for survival.
  1. Erosion

    • Erosion is one of the most commonly experienced forms of soil degradation. Erosion is a process that occurs when water and wind blow or wash away the nutrient-rich top soil. This causes a lack of nutrients in the remaining soil. It can also expose plants' root systems to the elements and cause the plants to die. Soil erosion can also undermine the foundations of buildings and lead to the destruction of natural barriers and landforms, such as sand dunes and beaches.

    Salinization of Soil

    • Soil degradation leads to the salinization of the soil. Soil salinization occurs when salt becomes concentrated in the soil to the point where plants are unable to absorb water provided by rainfall or irrigation due to the salt levels in the soil. This causes the plants to die off and prevents new growth from forming. Soil salinization is typically a product of irrigation systems in land that would otherwise be very dry. The heat in the dry areas causes water to evaporate at an advanced rate and leads to salt being left behind after the evaporation process. If there is not enough rain in the area to wash the salt away, it becomes concentrated in the soil.

    Loss of Nutrients

    • When soil degrades, the nutrients in it are often lost. The loss of nutrients mean that existing plant life is unable to continue to thrive and grow and new plant life is unlikely to develop and successfully establish itself. The long-term effects of this process include a loss of productive farm land, the loss of a food source for both humans and animals as well as the sometimes permanent loss of natural resources in an area.


    • Desertification is the official term used to describe what occurs when an area that was previously not considered to be a desert becomes one due to the loss of nutrients and plant life. Desertification is one of the most extreme forms of soil degradation. It is a problem in a significant portion of Africa.