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Natural Mosquito Lawn Spray

Mosquitoes are attracted to areas where the air is still and moisture is available. This makes lawns open to infestation. Try natural remedies as a first line of defense. You can make your own homemade spray or look for all-natural products at your nearest garden supply store.
  1. Tree Oil Spray

    • Neem oil is a natural repellent that is extracted from the Neem tree, which grows natively in India where mosquitoes are a big problem. The active ingredient is sallanin. You can find neem oil sprays in garden centers. Apply according to instructions.

    Lemon Plant Sprays

    • Plants with lemon smells are offensive to mosquitoes, such as Thai lemon grass and lemon basil. Thai lemon grass sprays are commonly used in Asia. What makes it effective is that it contains natural citronella oil. Make your own spray by chopping six stalks of Thai lemon grass in a blender with 3 cups of water, or chop 1 cup of lemon basil and add to 2 cups of water and put in a spray bottle.

    Vegetable-based Sprays

    • Scientists in Delhi, India, found peppermint oil effective at killing mosquitoes and their larvae. Use 1 tsp. of peppermint oil per cup of water to make a spray. You can also use garlic juice to make your own spray. Mix one part garlic juice with five parts water and put inside a spray bottle. You can also find commercial garlic and peppermint applications at garden centers.