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How to Remove a Stump With a Tractor

When a tree is being removed from a yard or other area, the job is far from finished once the tree has been cut down. Trees have extensive roots that can be thick and run very deep, making it difficult to remove the stump. Using the power of a tractor makes the job a little less challenging.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Ax
  • Tractor
  • Chain
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      Dig around the base of the stump to uncover the roots. Using a shovel, remove the dirt and rocks around the roots that protrude from the base of the stump near the surface. As you dig, you are likely to encounter other roots farther below the surface. Uncover these roots as much as possible.

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      Use the ax to sever the roots from the base of the stump after you have cleared away as much rock and dirt as possible, which prevents dulling the ax blade. Focus first on the largest roots, which are the biggest obstacle to pulling out the stump.

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      Fasten a chain around the stump using the severed ends of the larger roots to lock the chain in place and prevent it from slipping. Position the chain underneath the bulk of the stump if you can, although this might be possible because at this point, much of the stump will remain underground.

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      Secure the other end of the chain to the rear of the tractor and pull at the stump. Use a low gear and drive forward slowly until the chain becomes taut rather that using a running start. The pulling force should be applied slowly and evenly, not in a violent, jerking fashion. Make sure that anyone helping you is at a safe distance in case the chain slips and flies off the stump. Some some stumps are extremely stubborn, and progress might be difficult initially, even with the tractor. If the tractor begins to lurch and the front tires begin to bounce, stop immediately. Tractors have so much torque on their rear wheels that they can flip over backward when they are unable to move forward while pulling an object.

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      Turn off the tractor and chop more roots. The stump should have moved at least slightly, exposing more roots. An assistant watching from a safe distance may have observed areas where roots seem to be particularly resistant. Focus on those roots.

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      Repeat the process with the tractor until the stump breaks free. Several attempts may be required before enough roots have been removed to to allow pulling the stump from the ground.