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The Advantages of Organic Lawn Care

Plants grew just fine before the advent of man-made fertilizers and continue to do so. Many native grasses grow optimally without the help of chemicals. Still some think it necessary to fertilize to achieve a level of excellence with their lawn. With the burgeoning green movement comes lawn care options that may not have been as accessible before. Going organic with your lawn is good for the environment, and organic lawn care is just as effective as its more abrasive chemical counterpart.
  1. Eco-Friendly

    • Organic fertilizers contain natural ingredients that are easily assimilated into the soil, slowly releasing nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. This method poses no threat to fish and soil. With organic lawn care, you can rest assured knowing that you are not harming your environment as well as anyone or anything that is relaxing or playing on your lawn. Plus, having a beautiful lawn which will elicit envy in your neighbors helps to further the message that we can all live a greener lifestyle.

    Builds Soil

    • Inorganic fertilizer is often salt-based, which affects the pH level in your soil. Artificial fertilizers also destroy the beneficial microorganisms living in your soil. In this way, they are simply quick fixes and your lawn will come to rely on the fertilizer simply to grow.

      Organic fertilizer conversely maintains and improves the soil by not harming beneficial organisms.

    Deeper Roots

    • Since organic lawn fertilizer feeds the microbes in your soil that release nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, grass roots consume them slowly and at a more natural pace. This fosters deeper and stronger roots for your grass, which makes it more drought-resistant and less maintenance dependent. This will also save on watering as the roots have a larger area to drink from.

      Chemical fertilizers don't promote root growth; they simply give a strong boost of nutrients, making grass grow incredibly green really quickly. Chemical fertilizers are great for someone who wants to mow their lawn more than they have to.

    Monetary Savings

    • After you have created healthy soil and a lawn that is better suited to take care of itself, you won't need to spend exorbitant amounts of money on chemical fertilizers. Remember that those man-made lawn products only create the need for more of the same product and don't create a healthy soil ecology.

      You also will have more time to relax on your lawn with organic fertilizers instead of staying off of it, waiting for harsh chemicals to settle.