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How to Troubleshoot an Automatic Sprinkler System Controller

The sprinkler timer controls the functions of an automatic sprinkler system. This device is the brains of the system, sending electric signals to control sprinkler valves on a set schedule. Two of the most common problems with a sprinkler timer are blown fuses and improper power connections. The fuse prevents the system from burning out in the event of an electric surge, and is designed to be replaced. The AC power adapter must also be installed properly for the system to work. The timer must be set correctly as well. Checking these functions will help you diagnose and fix the problem.


  1. Check for Blown Fuses

    • 1

      Open the panel on the sprinkler timer to expose the wiring.

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      Locate the fuse within the control box. The fuse is a small glass cylinder with two metal points at either end.

    • 3

      Inspect the fuse to see if the filament inside the glass tube has broken or burned out. If the filament is damaged, you will need to replace the fuse.

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      Remove the damaged fuse by pulling on it gently until it pulls free from the retaining clip.

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      Insert a new fuse into the retaining clip, pressing it into place until you hear a snap.

    Troubleshooting Power

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      Plug the AC power adapter into the wall outlet.

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      Check the display panel on the front of the timer. If there is power, the display will show the system's current status or time. If the display does not turn on, check the power connection on the base of the timer to make sure the timer is connected to the AC adapter.

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      Check the fuse box on the side of the house if the display is still not on. Make sure the breakers inside the fuse box are all in the "on" position.

    Setting the Timer

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      Turn the sprinkler timer dial to the "clock" position, and set the time using the up and down arrow keys or the numerical keypad, depending on your model of timer.

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      Check the timer to see if there is a preset sprinkler program by turning the dial to the "program" function. Individual programs will be denoted with a number on the display.

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      Check the program to see when they are set to run and terminate by pressing the "run" and "end" buttons. Some models of sprinkler timers may need the dial turned to the "run" or "end" position to see this information.

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      Adjust the run times as needed to accommodate the start and stop times of your choosing.

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      Set the run dates of the programs by turning the dial to the "date" or "schedule" function. Use the arrow keys or the keypad to enter the days of the week that you want the program to run. Some timers will give you the option of running the program multiple times on any given day. Set that function by using the arrow keys when prompted. Some models of timers will use a sliding physical button to set the run dates. For these models, move the sliding knobs to the desired day, start and end times.