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What Does Bermuda Grass Need in the Fall?

Care for your Bermuda grass properly during the fall to enjoy a lush, green lawn in the spring. With some careful planning and fall preparation, you can prevent weeds, thinning coverage or diseases from ruining your lawn and preventing you from enjoying your Bermuda grass.
  1. Herbicides

    • Chickweed and henbit germinate in the fall and winter and appear during early spring. As they haven't yet appeared as of the fall months, pre-emergent herbicides can prevent them from appearing at all. Weeds that already exist in the lawn should be treated with postemergent herbicides. Pre-emergent and postemergent herbicides are not interchangeable and postemergent herbicides should not be used unless weeds are already germinated and growing.


    • Bermuda grass spring dead spot disease and Bermuda grass decline, which become apparent in the spring, can be prevented in the fall with fungicides. If either of these diseases or any type of fungus has affected your lawn, fall application of fungicides, within a regular application schedule, can help to control or eliminate the problems.


    • Fertilization can help to regulate any soil deficiencies and prepare the ground for fresh, healthy growth for the spring. Perform a soil pH test before selecting a fertilizer that meets the needs of your lawn. Apply the needed fertilizers only in September and at least four to six weeks before the first frost of the year. You can add lime, if needed, from September through November.

    Watering and Mowing

    • Keep Bermuda grass root systems from drying out in the fall by watering the lawn when dry conditions cause the leaves to wilt and lose springiness. A good test is to step onto the lawn and observe the grass when you remove your foot. If the leaves spring back quickly, watering is not necessary. If your foot leaves a footprint, water the lawn. Only repeat watering when the conditions are especially dry and windy again. If your Bermuda grass is new sod, water it throughout the fall whenever it feels dry. Mow the lawn once weekly when it is healthy. Mow only every two weeks during droughts when the grass is visibly stressed.