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Fertilizer Schedule for Bermuda & Zoysia Grass

Bermudagrass is a dense turfgrass that grows aggressively and is well suited for a variety of conditions and soils. Because of its drought tolerance and excellent wear, it is commonly used on athletic fields and in southern landscapes. Like Bermudagrass, zoysiagrass is drought tolerant and holds up well under heavy traffic. Unlike Bermuda, it has a coarser texture and does not grow as aggressively. In order for these grasses to grow optimally, they require a rigid fertilizer schedule for each season of the year.
  1. Spring

    • In late May, add ½ to 1 lb. of nitrogen fertilizer to every 1,000 square feet of Bermudagrass. Be sure to wait until the turf's dormant period has ended, and it has turned green. Take a sample of your soil to test for levels of phosphorus and potassium.

      When the last expected frost of the spring passes, apply ½ to 1 lb. of nitrogen fertilizer to every 1,000 square feet of zoysiagrass. As with Bermudagrass, this is a smart time to take a soil sample to determine nutrient requirements.


    • During the summer months, apply ½ to 1 lb. of the same nitrogen fertilizer to every 1,000 square feet of Bermudagrass every four to six weeks.

      Fertilize zoysiagrass every four to eight weeks during the summer, applying ½ to 1 lb. of nitrogen fertilizer to every 1,000 square feet.


    • Determine when the first frost is expected for your region and apply no more than ½ lb. of nitrogen fertilizer for every 1,000 square feet of Bermudagrass in September. Check the results of your soil test and add potassium and lime if needed. If potassium is recommended, apply a high-potassium, low-nitrogen fertilizer, such as a 10-0-40.

      Do not apply any fertilizer to zoysiagrass after the end of August. Now is the time, however, to address nutrient deficiencies such as potassium. Apply 1 lb. of potash to treat the problem.


    • If Bermudagrass has not been overseeded, then do not fertilize it from December through February. If it has been overseeded, apply ½ lb. of nitrogen fertilizer to every 1,000 square feet during these months.

      As with Bermudagrass, fertilize only overseeded zoysiagrass from December through February. Use ½ lb. of nitrogen fertilizer for every 1,000 square feet.