Home Garden

Lawn Irrigation and Valve Design

For an irrigation system to function properly, it depends primarily on one key component: the valve manifold. Irrigation valves allow the sprinklers to pop up from the ground and water the lawn automatically. Before installing an irrigation system, you should know more about irrigation valves in lawn design to better decide how many you'll need and how you'd like to install them.
  1. Zones

    • Depending on how many zones there are, your sprinkler system might require more than one valve. One valve is needed per zone. A zone is an area of the yard with a certain number of sprinklers. For example, some zones are labeled “Front Yard,” “Back Yard” and “Garden.” The zones can be watered independently of each other by activating the zone’s valve when it’s time to water. If there are three zones around the home, then three valves must be installed, one for each zone. It’s a good idea to allow room for additional valves, when installing, for future expansion.


    • Irrigation valves are positioned between the irrigation line shutoff valve and the sprinkler system. They control the flow of water from the irrigation line, which remains opened. When the valves open manually or electronically, water flows through them and out to the sprinklers. The sprinklers then pop up from the ground and water the lawn. At least one irrigation valve is required for an irrigation system.


    • While a valve can be opened manually, it can also be opened automatically with an irrigation controller or timer. The timer connects with irrigation wire to the solenoids of the valves in the irrigation system. A schedule is set for all valves, which tells the valves when to open, how long to stay open and how often to open. One zone can be watered more or less frequently than another. Even though the timer operates on a schedule, the valves can be operated manually through the timer or by hand.


    • After the valves are joined together in what is called the valve manifold, they are installed in the ground inside of an irrigation box. The valve manifold is situated near the irrigation line shutoff valve, though it’s not uncommon for a valve manifold to be located in other parts of the yard. Irrigation boxes are hollow on the bottom and have a lid on top. The box is buried in the ground, and the valve manifold sits on top of a bed of rocks or pebbles for drainage. The lower portion of the box is black while the lid is green, which allows it to blend in with the yard.