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The Advantages of an Installed Lawn Sprinkler System

An irrigation sprinkler system is made up of a controller, sprinkler head, valves and rain sensor. These systems can be programmed to go off at a predetermined time on multiple occasions throughout the week. While installation of an irrigation sprinkler system may be expensive, over time, it will be cost-effective and provide many other advantages.
  1. Time

    • Just about everybody wants to have more time, and homeowners don't want to spend the free time they do have, on the weekend or after work, watering the lawn. Installing a lawn sprinkler system will water the grass even while you are at work, on vacation or watching television. Irrigation systems are set on a set timer and will do all the watering necessary to keep your grass green.

    Going Green

    • Installing a lawn sprinkler system is going to ensure that your grass remains green and healthy. With a sprinkler system, you no longer have to worry about watering the lawn or panic if you forget to ask the neighbor to do it while you're on vacation. Also, during those hot summer months, your grass will get the necessary hydration without you having to sweat outside.

    Going Green II

    • In addition to keeping your grass green and healthy, the installation of a lawn sprinkler system is also good for the environment. Unless you work as a landscape professional or horticulture specialist, you may not know how much water grass needs on a regular basis. Luckily, technology has become so sophisticated that systems are able to detect the exact amount of water needed in a specific part of the lawn. Irrigation sprinkler systems can also detect rain and will automatically shut off when a shower occurs.


    • Installing an irrigation sprinkler system will also add value to a property. Keeping a landscape well maintained and ensuring that plants are watered can make a home more attractive to prospective home buyers. You can look at installing an irrigation system as an investment in case you decide to move someday or take out a loan against your home.