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How to Detect Sprinkler Leaks

Sprinkler systems rely on steady water pressure to operate properly. If your system sprung a leak in the sprinkler line, the sprinklers won't perform at their best. You can detect a leak in the sprinkler system by plugging the sprinklers and checking for pooled water on the surface. This will give you a good idea of the location and severity of the leak. Detecting a leak is the first step in fixing one.

Things You'll Need

  • 3/4-inch PVC plugs (as many as the number of sprinkler heads on your system)
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    • 1

      Unplug the power supply on the sprinkler timer to ensure the sprinklers do not turn on while you are working.

    • 2

      Go to each sprinkler head on the system and unscrew the sprinklers counterclockwise until they each pull free from the sprinkler line underground. Set the sprinkler heads aside for now.

    • 3

      Insert a 3/4-inch PVC plug into the hole on the top of the exposed sprinkler line where the sprinklers were attached. Turn the plugs clockwise until tight. This will seal the sprinkler system so water can only escape from a leak.

    • 4

      Plug in the sprinkler timer and set the dial to the "Run" or "Test" position to begin the sprinkler cycle.

    • 5

      Allow the sprinkler cycle to run for at least 30 minutes. During this time, water will slowly escape from any leaks on the sprinkler system. After 30 minutes, water should begin to pool above the surface. This is an indication of a leak in the line or a pipe fitting and gives you a general idea of where to dig up the line for repairs.