Home Garden

How to Keep Home Snowblowers From Rusting

A snowblower is a crucial machine during the winter months and must be properly stored in the off-season to ensure it continues to run well from year to year. Improper storage procedures will lead to snowblower rusting. Fortunately, you can prevent engine and part rusting by utilizing oil and silicone grease. These maintenance tips can be applied in short order by any novice and require no pre-existing knowledge of snowblower maintenance and repair.

Things You'll Need

  • Oil
  • Teaspoon measure
  • Cloth
  • Silicone grease
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      Remove the snowblower's spark plug. Find the spark plug along the side of the engine assembly. The thin, black ignition wire connects to the spark plug. Pull this ignition wire out of the spark plug and store the plug in a your tool box or a similarly safe place during the spring and summer seasons. If the spark plug is not new, dispose of it. You will need to get a new spark plug next winter.

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      Pour out 1 teaspoon of fresh oil into the engine's cylinder. Gently pull the starting rope to turn the engine over a few times. This will allow the oil to coat the cylinder and prevent any rusting.

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      Use a cloth to apply a thin layer of silicone grease onto the metal parts that are exposed to the elements.

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      Store the snowblower in a dry place for the spring and summer months. Do not store the snowblower in a basement.