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Trimming Grass Under Lilies

Tall grass hides lilies, obscuring the colorful flowers from full view. Regular mowing is also an important part of growing a healthy lawn. When trimming grass under lilies, the trick is to be very careful -- lilies have fleshy, delicate stalks that are easily damaged with lawn care equipment.
  1. Trimming the Grass

    • In spring, before the flowers bloom, the bright green stalks and leaves blend in with the grass making them hard to see. Trim the grass under the lilies with a pair of hand-held shears to expose the stalks. Cut the grass around the lilies at the same height that the rest of the lawn will be for a smooth transition between the area around the lilies and general lawn. Work carefully to avoid nicking or damaging the delicate fleshy stalks.

    Widen the Circle

    • Once you have the area directly under the lilies cut back, widen the circle using a large pair of grass clippers or shears. An area 2 to 3 feet in diameter around the lilly clumps gives you some room to maneuver the mower without getting too close. A weed eater can also be used to trim grass in the area around the lilies, but don't get too close -- one slip and the whole stand of lilies could go down.


    • Mow the grass up to the trimmed area around the stands of lilies. Wait until late fall or early winter, when the lily foliage turns brown and dies back, then mow the plants down to the ground. It might be tempting to mow down the foliage after the flowers fade, but lilies rely on the foliage to gather and store nutrients in the bulb. You may also cut back the dead foliage in early spring, but work carefully or you could damage the new green shoots.

    Lilies and Lawn Care

    • It is best to separate lilies from the lawn by creating a garden bed around the flowering plants. This makes it easier to tend the lilies and the lawn effectively. If you set a sprinkler on the lawn near the lilies, do it in the morning. Lilies can develop fungal problems if they stay wet all night after an evening watering. Fertilize the area around lilies with a 5-10-10 fertilizer in the spring. Keep lawn fertilizer 2 to 3 feet away from the lily plants.