Home Garden

Will Dallis Grass Make a Good Lawn?

Dallis grass (Paspalum dilatatum) is a tufted perennial grass cultivated for pasture land but considered a weed in home gardens. It grows in loose bunches and is similar in appearance to knotgrass, goosegrass and tall fescue. Dallis grass looks similar to crab grass but its leaves are stiffer in form. Its dense clumps create a lumpy textured lawn. The clumps spread rapidly from profuse seed production and underground rhizomes.
  1. Description

    • Dallis grass develops from underground stems called rhizomes. Its leaf blades are 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide, dark green and stiff. They grow to a height of 4 to 10 inches if left unmowed. A purple coloration is sometimes seen at the base of the leaf blade. A Dallis grass flowering stalk grows 14 to 65 inches tall and develops a spikelet flower head.

    Growth Cycle

    • Dallis grass develops spring-germinating seed on its spikelet flower heads. Seeds germinate throughout spring and summer after soil temperature warms to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The optimum growth temperature range for Dallis grass is 80 to 90 F. It spreads quickly in all soil types and is resistant to both frost and drought. Dallis grass does not turn brown in the winter season.

    In the Lawn

    • Dallis grass easily takes over a lawn turf area if it is not controlled. Its lumpy character makes it undesirable as a lawn grass, although its growth habits make it an easy alternative to traditional turf lawn grass species. Clumps of Dallis grass are removed by digging or using toxic chemical weed control products. Mowing turf grass at optimum mower height helps lawn turf resist the spread of Dallis grass.

    Control Techniques

    • Dallis grass seed is easily spread by mowers used in infected areas. Clean the mower after each use. Newly sprouted Dallis grass plants are dug up before they set seed or develop spreading rhizomes. Reseeding bare spots on the lawn with a desired turf grass species helps prevent Dallis grass spread. Solarization with clear plastic kills Dallis grass seeds and rhizomes.