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What Time of Year Do You Plant Quick Lawn Grass Seed?

Quick Lawn grass seed, which is produced by Barenbrug USA, is a lawn grass composed of a mixture of annual and perennial ryegrasses. It is marketed as a reliable, fast-growing grass seed that produces a dense, durable lawn. Planting time and growing conditions will influence how successfully the lawn grows though.
  1. Fall Planting

    • Directions for planting Quick Lawn grass seed advise homeowners to plant when daytime temperatures are 70 degrees Fahrenheit. In most regions, early fall is the best time to plant. At this time, the soil is warm, but nights are cool, favoring seed germination. Sow seeds up to four weeks before the first expected frost so the grass seed has time to develop a strong root system.

    Spring Planting

    • The next best time to sow Quick Lawn grass seed is in the spring, although timing is important. If you plant too early, the soil might still be cold, inhibiting germination. Plant too late and seeds will likely encounter competition from weeds, as well as scorching summer temperatures. Plant when daytime temperatures are in the 70s, but plant seeds at least four weeks before the heat of summer arrives.

    Planting Method

    • Place the seed in a drop spreader and spread it according to the package directions. Do not apply more than recommended. For small areas, mix the seed with 1 cup sand or soil and hand-broadcast it. Cover the seed with a fine layer of earth and go over it with a lawn roller. Water the seed lightly several times per day until it germinates. If the seed is allowed to dry out, it will die. Mow the lawn when it stands three inches high.


    • Think twice before planting Quick Lawn grass seed. It is 94 percent annual ryegrass, which usually dies during the winter. Ryegrass's main positive attribute is its quick germination and growth. It does not tolerate drought or shade and has only moderate wear tolerance. Instead, select a grass seed mixture that is well-adapted to your growing conditions and needs. For example, fine fescue tolerates shade and is somewhat drought tolerant. Tall fescue tolerates heavy wear and also tolerates drought. Kentucky bluegrass requires more water and fertilizer than other grass types, but produces a dense, lush lawn. Choose a mix that contains no annual ryegrass and no more than 20 percent perennial ryegrass, according to Cornell University.