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Can I Put Down Scotts Super Turf Builder Plus 2 if I Overseeded Four Weeks Ago?

Observing an ever growing patch of weeds in your newly overseeded lawn can spur anybody into action. It has been four weeks and you cannot wait any longer, you have to kill those weeds. Applying Scotts Super Turf Builder Plus 2 Weed and Feed to a newly overseeded lawn is recommended if the grass has reached a certain maturity level. If applied before then, all the hard work will have been for nothing.
  1. How Long After You Overseed

    • Depending upon environmental conditions such as heat, moisture and soil type, the rate at which a grass seed will germinate and develop can be drastically different from one season or location to the next. The best way to determine whether you can apply Scotts Super Turf Builder Plus 2 after four weeks is to count how many times the newly seeded area has been mowed. New grass seed should be mowed at least four times before a weed and feed is applied, or damage and/or death to the lawn may result.

    Weed Killer and Weeds Controlled

    • Kill unwanted weeds in your lawn.

      Scotts Super Turf Builder Plus 2 contains two weed killers: 2,4-D and MCPP or mecoprop. These two weed killers work together to kill dandelions and many other broadleaf nuisance weeds in your lawn. 2,4-D and MCPP are post-emergent herbicides, meaning that they will only kill weeds that are actively growing. Scotts Super Turf Builder Plus 2 will not kill grassy weeds, such as crabgrass or prevent weed seeds from germinating.

    Applying Scotts Super Turf Builder Plus 2

    • Make sure to check the weather before applying your weed and feed.

      Applying a granular form of an herbicide is a little different than applying a liquid herbicide or plain fertilizer. The herbicide granules must land and stick to the leaf of the weed in order to be effective. This is best accomplished by wetting the lawn down thoroughly, or applying when there is dew present or after a steady rainfall. After the application, the granules must be left to do their job, and not be disturbed by rain or irrigation for 24 hours.

    Overseeding Your Lawn

    • Overseeding your lawn can help to rejuvenate a worn-out patch that has been thinned out from drought stress, insect damage or traffic. Overseeding is best done in the fall while the ground is still warm, but the air temperatures have dropped. Mow the existing grass short so that the grass seed has a good chance of reaching soil. Without contact with the soil, grass seed will not germinate. Keep your newly spread seed consistently moist for 7 to 14 days.