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DIY Humane Garden Mole Removal

The tiny mole measures only 6 inches long but can burrow through the ground at the rate of 18 feet per hour looking for a meal of earthworms, grubs and insects. Moles create elaborate systems of tunnels using paddle-shaped feet that exert a digging force 32 times their weight. Burrowing their way across lawns and golf courses, moles create significant property damage. The Ohio State University Extension recommends the humane removal of moles using traps especially made for this purpose.

Things You'll Need

  • 3 to 5 mole traps per acre
  • Shovel or spade
  • Plastic bucket
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      Choose one of the three humane mole traps recommended by extension agents. All three traps employ identical spring mechanisms. The scissor-jaw trap works by closing around the mole in a vise-like grip. The easiest trap for beginners to use, the harpoon trap, impales the mole with spikes triggered by the weight of the mole. The choker loop trap deploys a loop that tightens around the mole. All of the traps, when triggered, kill the mole instantly.

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      Locate active mole tunnels close to the surface of the ground. Main tunnels usually run along fence rows, building foundations or the wooded perimeter of a lawn. Dig into the tunnel and insert the trap. Set the spring so it will trip easily when it comes in contact with the mole. Carefully release the safety. Replace soil loosely over the trap. Overturn a plastic bucket and place atop the trap to protect children and pets from injury. Set three to five traps per acre.

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      Check traps several times a day to see if any moles have been caught. The moles may change their location or change their travel habits if the earth is disturbed too much while setting the trap. Incorrectly setting the spring may result in the failure to catch a mole. If not successful in 48 hours, move the traps to a new location and reset.

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      Drive moles to the surface by spraying water into their tunnel.

      Trapping the live mole for release may appeal to those who object to killing the animals. Trap live moles by forcing them to the surface with a stream of water directed into their tunnel. Once on the ground, capture the mole and release into a wooded or weedy field away from residential areas. If released nearby, moles can create new colonies and return. After removing moles, destroy tunnels and fill them in to discourage the tiny burrowers from coming back.