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Oak Tree Wood Spiders

Oak trees provide food such as young oak shoots, twigs and leaves for wildlife like rabbits and deer. The most valuable resource on the oak tree, the acorn, provides valuable nutrients to a wide range of mammals including squirrels, raccoons, foxes and certain birds. The leaves from the oak tree also provide food to many different insects including predatory and wood spiders.
  1. Oak Spider Mites

    • Oak spider mites (Oligonychus bicolor), a small reddish-brown spider, attacks primarily oak trees. They may also live in hickory, elm, birch and beech trees. Early symptoms of this insect include the appearance of gold- or bronze-colored leaves. Heavy infestations are noted by the heavily bronzed leaves, and red, barrel-shaped eggs present on the leaves. Easily managed by using the powerful spray from a garden hose to dislodge them, another option for removal is one of the several different insecticides available for treatment of spiders.

    Crab Spiders

    • The front legs of crab spiders (Thomisidae) point forward, making them resemble miniature crabs. They sit in wait rather than build webs to catch their prey. These small spiders hide from their enemies and ambush their prey. Crab spiders often change colors in order to blend into their surroundings, making them immensely quick at catching their prey. They hide in leaves, bark and soil.

    Orb Web Spiders

    • Orb web spiders (Metellina segmentata) build the largest and strongest web of any spider. The web, designed to catch flying insects, can typically be seen near the top of oak trees. Although the silk that this spider creates its web with can catch small birds, the spider does not eat them. The bird will often destroy the web trying to escape.

    Garden Spider

    • The garden spider (Argiope aurantia), a common, exceptionally large spider, varies in color from a dark brown to yellowish color. This spider features distinctive markings on the abdomen area that resemble a cross. Found living in oak trees, the garden spider also lives in gardens, meadows and hedgerows.