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Freeze Protection for Bushes

Freezes can be terrible news for your lawn and garden. Many plants cannot withstand the cold temperatures, and bushes in particular can take quite a bit of damage when the temperature drops. However, there are ways you can protect your bushes from substantial freeze damage.
  1. Cloth covers

    • Putting cloth covers over your bushes at night is one of the most effective ways to protect them from extreme temperatures. You can purchase specialty covers for your bushes, but if you are trying to be a little bit more conservative with money, regular blankets or even burlap sacks will work just as well.

    Plastic covers

    • Plastic covers can also be used to protect your bushes from freeze damage. Although plastic covers are not as effective as cloth covers, they are easy to use, and disposable, which is convenient if you have a lot of bushes you need to protect. The only real problem you may encounter with plastic covers is that plants can actually scald if they are left on during the day, as plastic covers can cause a greenhouse effect if they are white or clear.

    Electric Lights

    • Though it may sound a little strange, electric lights (like those you would use on a Christmas tree) can also be used to keep bushes from taking freeze damage. Electric lights are also a good solution, as they can be turned on any time it is cold and left on during the daytime without inhibiting photosynthesis.

    Things to Remember

    • When you are using any type of method to keep your plants from freeze damage, it is important that you don't forget to remove any coverings during daylight hours. Even though it still may be cold, plants need sunlight to survive, and lack of sun will kill a bush faster than freeze damage. It is also important to make sure not to cover plants unless you are sure that it is going to freeze, as covering plants too often can also hurt them.