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Lawn Treatments to Kill Insects and Mosquitoes

Some insects that are commonly found in lawns, such as lady beetles, assassin bugs, lacewings, earwigs, big-eyed bugs and syrphid flies, are actually beneficial and do not need to be eliminated from your yard. However, other types of bugs can cause damage to your lawn, and the dreaded mosquito can also be a nuisance and even a carrier of disease.
  1. Identifying Insects

    • Before you use any insect treatments on your lawn, be sure to properly identify the insect species that is causing damage. Some insects are more commonly encountered in lawns than others. Common, troublesome lawn larvae include white grubs, weevil, sod webworm, cutworm and armyworm larvae. Other lawn insects, like aphids, leafhoppers and chinch bugs are problematic at both the adult and nymph stages. These insects can cause extensive damage to lawns by feeding on roots and chewing or sucking on blades of grass.

    Identifying and Treating Mosquitoes

    • Although mosquitoes don't cause damage to your lawn, they can prevent you from properly enjoying it. In rare cases, a species of the crane fly, which is sometimes mistaken for a mosquito, can cause damage to lawn in its larval stages. Their feeding can cause yellow or brown patches in your lawn, but serious infestations are uncommon. Unfortunately, mosquito populations in lawns can be difficult to treat once they are established. According to the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, you can control mosquito larvae with special products called larvicides, which prevent immature insects from maturing and causing problems. Control methods for adult mosquitoes, however, such as electrocuting devices, mosquito traps and electronic devices that mimic predator noises are usually ineffective.

    Insect Treatments

    • If you are hesitant to use chemical treatments to control lawn insect populations, consider using biological methods, which use beneficial nematodes to reduce damaging insects without also killing beneficial populations. Azadirachtin, pyrethrum (pyrethrins), and imidacloprid are some of the least toxic pesticides for use on the lawn, although they only target specific insects and must be applied at the appropriate time in order to be effective. According to the University of California Integrated Pest Management Program, broad-spectrum insecticides like carbaryl and pyrethroid should only be used when other products have failed, since they destroy beneficial insects as well as harmful ones.


    • The best way to treat both mosquito and insect problems is to practice good prevention methods. Maintain your lawn and pull any weeds on your property frequently to reduce the chances of mosquito infestation. Eliminate breeding grounds by getting rid of any standing water in ditches or other areas of your property. Mow your lawn frequently to eliminate potential environments for other harmful insects and aerate your lawn to increase populations of helpful insects, like chinch bugs and earthworms.